Monday, June 24, 2013

Carrie Covets: Gems & Jewels

Lately, I seem to be channeling Elizabeth Taylor. No, I haven't suddenly inherited a mountain of diamonds (I wish), but I have had a renewed interest in jewelry, from the real deal to vintage costume. (I have always been a big fan of high-low, as long as something has style and class.) I have had four recent experiences with wonderful, passionate jewelers here in Los Angeles that beg to be shared.
1. House of Fisher. A true gem, I have never seen anything like it, and I spent an afternoon with the charming owner David Fisher in his packed store, filled with vintage finds from his trips to Paris.
2. XIV Karats. 27+ years in Beverly Hills has made this a locale favorite. Whether you need some sparkle of repairs, this is you place. Ask for Yosi.
3. Jason of Beverly Hills. Bling designers extraordinaire, who also happen to be located in my hotel. The yellow diamond in the bottom right is to die for. Ask for Will.
4. Craig Even Small. Experts in estate jewelry, I recently saw a woman's 1930's wedding right (top right) that had been found at silver screen actor Jack Oakie's estate sale. I love jewels with a story!
* "I adore wearing gems, but not because they are mine. You can't possess radiance, you can only admire it." ~ Elizabeth Taylor


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